Scorpion Kraken-(Capsicum chinense)-The Kraken Scorpion is a large brown super-hot
variety created by Mike Hess of Peoria, Illinois in 2013. It is a cross
between the Bhut Jolokia India Carbon and the Trinidad Chocolate
Scorpion. The peppers are elongated but also fatter than any Ghost or
Naga pepper. They sometimes grow a little signature tail at the pointed
end of the pepper. The Kraken Scorpion peppers themselves have a very
rough pimply outer skin. The heat is extreme. The peppers can get big
enough to almost fill the palm of an average hand. They ripen from green
to brown and sometimes dark brown. The flavor is floral and earthy. Some
would say smoky. A great addition to making a hot sauce or a very hot
seasoning powder. The Kraken Scorpion chile plants grow over 4 feet