> Herb Plants >

Chives Large Leaf
Chives Large Leaf  Plants

Chives ' Large Leaf '
1 plant in a 3 1/2" pot
Our Price: $5.99 FOR 1 PLANT IN A 3 1/2" POT


Chives Large Leaf : ' Allium Schoenoprasum ' A perennial herb that grows to about 12" tall.
Culinary Uses : Leaves can be picked as required and are ideal for stir fry use or fresh in salads while the flower heads can be picked and used as an edible flower in salads. Try them in herb vinegars, breads and tisanes, and dry them for use in winter.
Medicinal Uses : Chives are rich in vitamin C. Chive leaves are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin A. Garlic chives are high in carotene, thiamine, and riboflavin. Chives are also rich in minerals, especially calcium and iron.
Other Uses :
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